Experience the convenience of self-service

The Eindhoven Library is here for everyone. It's a place where you meet fellow citizens, where you can go for a lecture, get advice at the legal consultations or where you can exchange experiences with other young parents during the breastfeeding-café or the reading aloud afternoons. A place where you can quietly enjoy coffee with a magazine and where you feel comfortable, alone or with others. A place where you can study for hours and tutor or receive tutoring. 

To give even more people the opportunity to use the library, the Eindhoven library in De Witte Dame will open more often as of the end of October.

Extended opening hours effective Oct. 30, 2023

Starting Monday, October 30, the Eindhoven Library will have extended opening hours. We will then be open at:

  • Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00.
  • The first Friday of the month until 22.00.
  • Saturday and Sunday we will remain open as we were; Saturday from 10.00 to 17.00 and on Sunday from 13.00 to 17.00.


New is that from 17.00 onwards we will be working with 'self-service'.

This means that no staff will be present but you can borrow, return and use the computers and workstations yourself.

What is different during self-service hours?

During self-service hours, you can use the library's facilities independently. You can select, borrow and return books yourself. You can read a newspaper or magazine, work or study and you can use the computers.

Through the link below you will find frequently asked questions and more information of what you can do in the library during unmanned hours.

Open first Friday of the month until 10 p.m.

The first Friday of every month, the library is also open until 10 p.m. Staff is present from 10.00 to 17.00 and from 19.00 to 22.00 You can come to pick out or return books but there is also an activity scheduled then. Keep an eye on our calendar.

Opening hours Library Cafe

At the Library Café you can enjoy the best hot drinks, delicious cakes and more. Starting Oct. 30, you will be able to visit us on Mondays even earlier than usual because the Library Café is also extending its opening hours; from 10.00 to 17.00.